Montenegrin Orthodox Church

The Great Church Council of the MOC was in session

The Great Church Council of the MOC was in session

The Great Church Council of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, which according to the provisions of the new Constitution took over the responsibilities of the former Metropolitan Council, held an extraordinary session on September 6 in Cetinje.

The council primarily discussed financial and legal issues, and other topics important for the future of the Church were also discussed.

Positive changes in the way finances are managed, as well as the current lack of funds for the normal functioning of the Church, were noted, and a plan was proposed to solve current financial problems. The financial report for August 2024 was submitted, which will be the practice in the following period as well.

The Great Church Council provided support to the Authority for Legal Affairs, which represents the interests of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church in several active court processes, and expressed satisfaction with the good work in that field. The priorities of the Authority for Legal Affairs will be the protection of the reputation of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, as well as the property belonging to it.

An analysis of certain expenditures in the previous period will be carried out, with a special emphasis on the construction of the monument to the Blessed Metropolitan Antony, the construction of which is in progress. In case of finding any irregularities, those responsible will be prosecuted by judicial authorities.

All decisions were made unanimously.

On Cetinje,
September 7, 2024

MOC Information Authority
