Final decision: Boris cannot be registered as the head of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church
Press release
The Ministry of Justice of Montenegro made a final decision and rejected the illegal attempt to register the dismissed preast as the head of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church (MOC, montenegrin: CPC). We are hereby making the entire Decision available to the public, so that everyone can be convinced of the level of frivolity, intellectual infantility, legal groundlessness and unsanctioned arguments presented by the applicants of the request.
Once again, we appeal to the lay public to respect the Constitution and laws of this country, because that is the best way to defend Montenegro from destabilization. Also, we call on believers and supporters of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church not to fall for the lies that are continuously spread by these persons, because as the Lord says: “You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life; if we cling to Christ and love the Truth, that will be our way to eternal life.
Finally, we remind you that we will all come before His Judgment Seat and give an account of our actions. With what measure we judge today, we will be judged with the same measure.
Lord have mercy!
MOC Information Authority
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