National broadcast company RTCG asked for money to broadcast a Christmas card from the Montenegrin Orthodox Church
Foto: Gradski portal– Source: Gradski portal –
The President of the Church Board of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church in Podgorica, Zoran Vukčević, announced that the National broadcast company RTCG, for the first time, this year, asked for money to broadcast a Christmas card from the Montenegrin Orthodox Church (MOC).
“We did not have the money for that. I submitted an official request, they replied that they were charging for it and referred me to the marketing director, Đorđe Kustudić. I got in touch with him, he sent me their official price list and offered a discount. When we saw how much money we should spend for those two days, we gave up and thanked “, said Vukčević to the City Portal.
He stated that this was not the practice of previous years.
“Every year we wrote an application and we have never been charged. It is the discretion right of every director to let something go for free and charge for something. This year, they did not want to make that concession “, said Vukčević.
RTCG Director General Boris Raonić considers the MOC’s request to broadcast a Christmas card to be marketing and claims that the price list is the same for everyone, regardless of whether it is a religious community or some other legal entity.
“Every legal entity, if it wants to advertise, must pay. I don’t know what is disputable here. Why would any religious community be different on any public broadcaster “, Raonić said briefly to the Gradski portal (City Portal).
VIDEO: MOC Christmas greeting