Beheading of John the Baptist
Фрагмент иконе „Јован Крститељ“ из слоја Деесис, манастира Николо-Песносх код Дмитрова, прва трећина 15. вијека. Музеј Андреја РублеваSaint John the Baptist and the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ, with his death, preceded the voluntary death of our Savior. This saint suffered during the reign of Emperor Antipas, the son of the old emperor Herod, the murderer of the children of Bethlehem, because of his sermon in Galilee. Saint John then condemned this emperor because he divorced from his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arab emperor, killed his brother Philip and took his wife.
Doing so, the saint rebuked him in front of all. The disgraced emperor was frightened and threw him into prison, but they did not dare to execute him, because many considered him a great prophet. His brother’s wife, Herodias, who did all this, was afraid of the prophetic words and persuaded her daughter, Solomia, to ask King Herod for a gift of the saint’s head. Unable to refuse, Herod, enchanted by her beauty and enchanting play, did as he was asked and executed John, and brought his head before the present guests.
Fearing him dead, Herodias did not allow his head to come together with his body, but was buried separately from his body. After that, all the perpetrators of this heinous crime ended tragically. The death of John the Baptist took place before the Passover (Jewish holiday), and it is celebrated on September 11, and on that date a celebration was established because a church was erected and consecrated by Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen over his relics in honor and gratitude to this God-pleasing man.
Troparion (voice 2):
Pamjat pravednago s pohvalami, tebje že dovljet svidjeteljstvo Gospodnje, Preteče, pokazal bo sja jesi voistinu i prorokov čestnjejšij, jako i strujah krestiti spodobilsja jesi propovjedanago, tjemže za istinu postradav radujasja blagovjestil jesi i suščim vo adje Boga javlšagosja plotiju, v zemljuščago grjeh mira, i podajuščago nam veliju milost.
Venerable Theodora of Thessalonica
As a wealthy and pious woman, she lived on the island of Aegina. But when the Arabs threatened Aegina, they moved to Thessaloniki. There they gave their only daughter to the monastery, which in monasticism was named Theopista. Soon, Theodora’s husband passed away, and Theodora became a monk. She was a great ascetic. She often heard angelic chanting and said to the sisters, “Do you not hear how wonderfully the angels sing in the heavenly sanctuary?” She died at the age of 75, in the year 879. From her teijl flowed the healing myrrh, with which many were healed.
O Lord, our all-knowing Lord, cleanse us sinners with Your bloody wound, innocent and pure wound. Tebislava and thank you forever. Amen.